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Showing posts from October, 2009

Export gridview data to csv file..

Following is the function in c# which will export passed gridview to csv file. Note that this function not work if gridview have Autogeneratedcolumn property to true, to make it dynamic you have to add column through code, how to do that see category Gridview posts. public static void ExportToCsv( string fileName, GridView gv, string Title) {             HttpContext .Current.Response.Clear();             HttpContext .Current.Response.AddHeader( "content-disposition" , string.Format( "attachment; filename={0}" , fileName));             HttpContext .Current.Response.ContentType = "application/ms-excel" ;             using ( StringWriter objSw = new StringWriter ())             {                 //  Create a table to contain the grid                 Table table = new Table ();                 //  include the gridline settings                 table.GridLines = gv.GridLines;                 objSw.Write( "Report:  " + Title +

Disable submit on return keypress..

Following are the code to disable enter key or return key submit behaviour of page. Override page OnInitComplete event and add this code. protected override void OnInitComplete( EventArgs e) {            base.OnInitComplete(e);            string script = "function DisableEnterKey(){" +                                  "if(event.keyCode == 13){return false;}" +                                  "else{return true;}}" ;            Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript( this .GetType(), "page" , script, true );            Page.Form.Attributes.Remove( "onkeypress" );            Page.Form.Attributes.Remove( "onkeydown" );            Page.Form.Attributes.Add( "onkeypress" , "return DisableEnterKey()" );            Page.Form.Attributes.Add( "onkeydown" , "return DisableEnterKey()" ); }

XML data access through Linq..

Following are the setp to read data from XML file using linq query 1st : Add following name spaces by using using System.Xml; using System.Xml.Linq; 2nd : Create XDocument object and load XML file XDocument objXDocument = XDocument.Load(Server.MapPath( "~/App_Data/XYZ.xml" )); 3rd : Write following linq query to read data from XDcument object var q = from c in loaded.Descendants( "Iteams" )                     select c.Elements( "Item" ); You can also specify where condition like following var q = from c in loaded.Descendants( "Items" )                     where c.Attribute( "id" ).Value = "id1"                     select c.Elements( "Item" ); 4th : Check for null and then convert var object 'q' to List List < XElement > objElem = q.ToList()[0].ToList(); Following is the structuer of the XML file used for this code <? xml version ="1.0" encoding

Ordering columns of GridView by code..

Following are the step to change order of your grid view column by code.. 1st : make DataControlFieldCollection clone to your gridview columns DataControlFieldCollection gvdcfCollection = grid.Columns.CloneFields(); 2nd : clear the grid columns grid.Columns.Clear(); 3rd : Itreate through the clone copy and based on logic add or insert DataControlField   into grid columns collection grid.Columns.Add( gvdcfCollection[0] );  or grid.Columns.Insert(0, gvdcfCollection[0] ); Note: If you have template column in your grid view then you have to make EnableViewState property of  grid view to false.